Perl is a preferred scripting language that's that is used to make different web-oriented applications, which includes CGI scripts. Among the options that distinguish it from other languages is the use of modules - batches of Perl code that do predefined jobs and they are universally accepted. Basically, rather than writing custom-made program code to perform something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of program code inside your script, you can "call" some module which already exists for this specific process and use just a couple of lines of code. This way, your script will be executed a lot quicker as it is much smaller. Using modules will additionally make the script simpler to modify considering that you will need to go through much less code. In case you want to use Perl on your site, you should ensure that the required modules can be found on your server.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
More than 3400 Perl modules are at your disposal if you purchase any of our Linux cloud hosting packages. You can employ as many as you'll need and we've ensured that we have all of the popular ones, and a lot more which may not be used as much, but might be a requirement for some third-party web app that you want to use or for a custom-made script to work effectively. LWP, URI, GD, CGI::Session and Image::Magick are only a few instances of the modules you'll be able to access. You can find the entire list in your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel along with the path that you should set within your scripts, so that they can use our module library. Using our shared packages, you are able to work with any kind of Perl-based script without limitations.